Custom Robo doesn't have a lot of potential as an RPG, but It's true joy lies in it's multiplayer.

User Rating: 7.2 | Custom Robo GC
While people looking for a deep and challenging RPG will not find what they're looking for here, it's multiplayer stands out as fun in short spurts. The general review explains the game in good context, but take my word for it. The RPG mode has a good enough story, but it's hampered by excessive cutscenes and an overall short and easy adventure, lasting about three and a half hours at most. But once you're done with it, if you're not looking for a multiplayer game this isn't for you. And even if you are lokking for multiplayer, rent it first. You simply shouldn't purchase it just yet, as I don't guarantee you'll enjoy it. It falls short of preset standards set by RPG's or fighting games, but the multiplayer mode is fun, but as I already said a million times rent it first.