In a nut shell it is lakcing what I call player individualism but concept is good

User Rating: 7 | CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Double Pack PC
The idea is good and the cases make sense, however they are way to easy, even for a novice gamer. The mechanics are easy enough for a young child to maneuver and solve the cases. There is also a lot of repetition in each scene, ie: every time you enter the lab Greg says the exact same thing. This becomes just slightly annoying after the first case. There isn't a lot of freedom to roam and do anything, and you can only investigate predetermined clues. The questioning/interrogation of suspects and witnesses is also predetermined and there are no wrong questions. Some of the time you get to choose the order in which you ask them. The graphics are not the best but you aren't left guessing as to what objects are. They are appropriate for the game. So as I said it lacks individualism. Simply it is a point and click game.