Another Robotron clone...but with a twist...sort of...

User Rating: 6.9 | Crystal Quest X360
Crystal Quest is fun, no doubt. But let's face it, we've all played at least one Robotron inspired game, and this one isn't all that special.

Controls are the same you've seen before: Right stick shoots, left stick moves, and you have a bomb trigger. The goals you've seen before: collect items without dying. The only thing different is that the collection is the primary objective and killing enemies is just to get them out of your way. And then you have to exit the level, which can be challanging later on.

My main gripe with the game is that even on the hardest difficulty it's slow for a few levels....then it's just like a crapstorm of hardness all at once. It's not bad, I just wish there was some more interesting stuff at the beginning.

Graphics are pretty okay, not any better than Geometry Wars, not really any worse either. Sound is pretty annoying, so be sure to have a custom soundtrack or media file sharing on.

Overall, if you like this type of game you can't do much wrong at least trying the demo...but if you didn't like Geometry Wars or Robotron, keep looking for an original Arcade game...Hopefully one will be making an appearance soon.