Good game, could have used abit more time with extra modes.

User Rating: 7.8 | Crystal Quest X360
I'll make this short but sweet. The game is really a collector and a shooter put together. A remake of an old arcade, you have your ship and to get points you need to collect these crystals on the board. Upon collecting all the crystals on the board, you can move to the next level (they call them waves) after the first level, you start to run into enemies which vary in difficulty and type of attacks which is pretty neat. You have enemies (Nasties i believe the game calls them) that set mines and others that shoot at you and yet others when you kill them, they explode into fragments which can hit you. The game also implements mines, which if you run into them, they might blow up(depending on difficulty, just quickly touching them wont blow them up). There are over 60 levels and 10 difficulties. Unfortunately, after about 50 levels, everything becomes repetitive, except more of the same and faster paced.
The sound sounds alittle childish at times which i fine really but to someone who cares, it's not the greatest. The achievements are somewhat of a breeze to get and the gameplay is really good for while. You can change your controller speed to move slower or faster which is nice because your going to need it at points and the difficulty range is good too.
Bottom line, the games 5 bucks, use some of your points and buy the game, definitley give you some fun for awhile.