Hide, shoot, hide, shoot, hide, shoot.

User Rating: 6 | Crysis X360
I thought with everything I had been hearing about Crysis for years that there was no possible way it was just hype. Crysis is actually the quintessential proof that PC games are garbage. The best of the best that PC game creaters can come up with has so much potential but is brick-walled by the classic repetition that is Hide and Shoot. Let's forget about the fact that the suit you're wearing has soo much potential to make a perfect warring gameplay dynamic.

I wonder if the game makers even realize what the sniper element does to a real battlefield from a strategic standpoint. Well quite simple, it makes any cool futeristic suit abiliity pointless and boring. How hard is it to realize that the moment you give both parties a sniper rifle, the name of the game immediately becomes who can shoot who first from the farthest away. Ooh yeah, I can't wait to become invisible for three seconds before sniping someone who can't see me.

Then lets trap the player in some lame weightless alien environment. Guns are useless and so are your abilities. The story comes almost to a complete hault and so does the player's ability to continually forgive such shortcomings.

Finally let's fast-forward to the deck of an aircraft carrier to basically invincible alien creature. No strategy, no climax, no fun. Hey I know what hasn't been done before, run around and shoot until it allows the one hit final blow. Or how about a nuke launcher that doesn't work until Simon says? I'd rather have a Fire Flower Power Up and rapid-fire controller. Hey, at least I wouldn't be cloning what's been done as bad as Crysis.

Because the game creators have no imagination, the story sucks and inevitably strategy is replaced with ammo counting. This game is soo disappointing, I'd be embarrased to be one of those moronic PC fanboys who claim no game can compare to Crysis. Maybe they got it right on Crysis 2. And maybe I don't care because it flopped on the console just like the first. Crysis sucks.