The original Crysis comes to the 360 and delivers a solid FPS.

User Rating: 10 | Crysis X360
Graphics: 9/10 The graphics are good and detailed. However, there are incidents of graphical distortions which, I assume, could have been fixed.

Sound: 10/10 The sound is solid and the voicework is well done. The weapon sounds are good and the general sound design is solid.

Control: 10/10 The controls are very standard and work well. The developer did a nice job of transitioning from a keyboard and mouse to an XBox 360 Controller.

Content: 10/10 Crysis makes for a really nice, solid first-person shooter. Like its predecessor, the game offers a wonderful flexibility that allows you to emphasize either stealthy operation or constant gunfighting. The only thing missing from the stealth operation is the Halo: Reach-esque, assassination-like move that you can perform on enemies from behind, but that is to be expected as this is the first game in the series. I definitely recommend this game, especially for fans of the second Crysis and for FPS fans in general.