Flawed, but worthy port of the PC powerhouse.

User Rating: 7.5 | Crysis X360
I will make this short and simple. Here is a Pro's and Con's list to help make it snappy.

Pro's -
-Looks great for a console game
-Controls wonderfully
-Enemy A.I. is smart, and adaptive
-A long single player
-Weapons feel great to shoot
-Sound Effects are fantastic
-Cloaking and Armor abilities are a blast to use
-Non linear environments encourage experimentation

-Although pretty, it is a notable step back from the PC game
-Pop-in is apparent everywhere you look
-Trees phase into existence with a jarring effect
-Walk speed has been agonizingly slowed. You feel as though you are crouched for the entire game
-Slow down occurs often
-Checkpoints are often terrible, and the ability to save anywhere has been removed, making the game much harder than it needs to be
-The difficulty is very high, even on normal
-Multiplayer has been removed

Overall this is a wonderful game that stands the test of time 4 years after release. It looks and plays like a current gen game, because it is a current gen game. Don't let the $20 price point scare you into thinking this is a budget game. This is a benchmark in shooter gameplay and a classic in nearly every way.