Cysis has so much to offer those willing to give it a try, providing you can also play it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Crysis PC
Crysis was a game I enjoyed from start to finish despite some frustration in certain levels of the game. I will say up front that there is a problem with the current version 1.2.1 of the game where it will crash on the last level using DX10. The way around this is to run in DX9 mode.

Now, the game is gorgeous, I heard people talk about it being an open world and that is true to a point, but it still forces you to move along a fixed path like most stories do. The story seems a common one with Alien forces attacking us. But it is an enjoyable one, and you play the game as Nomad and you grow attached to him as a character and certainly like to get through the campaign and see the end. The ending, well it left it open for an expansion pack but none has come other than Warhead which seems less of an expansion than a retelling from a different perspective.

The game is drop dead gorgeous, I was able to run this game with high settings and the occasional very high and it looks stunning. Water effects were one of the few let downs, but it was a letdown because the bar was set so high, and the water is good. If you have a beast PC to play it will truly shine, but even if you don't you will see a very good looking game for what you have.

Audio seems to be right on the money; guns are loud and give good feedback. Hitting the opponent is possibly a little loud considering the distance I was able to shoot people at, but it wasn't too detracting. Music was mostly moot, it was there but I never noticed it a great deal and it didn't seem to change the mood or feeling any which a good soundtrack can do in a linear game like this. The voice acting was decent for the game, though the characterisations did seem a little canned at times they never really got on your nerves.

Gameplay was a mixed bag. The enemy AI sometimes was incredibly smart as with the aliens but also incredibly dumb with the KPA. Having played Crysis 2 before this I am able to state that the control scheme has changed for the better, using the radial style menu to change the Nanosuit properties was cumbersome, especially in the heat of battle. The difficulty was in the hard levels as I say that since there were some levels that were VASTLY more difficult than others. But these were few and far between so the frustration was kept to a minimum.

I will say that Crysis was a standout game due to mainly the visuals. The story, audio and gameplay were as they should be for a title of this level and certainly enabled me to play though the game and admire all the visual beauty it offered.

Right now, this game is a bargain and the hardware required for it still is high but at least it is now a cheap to mid end PC that will make this look great. It will be interesting to see what it will look like on the consoles when released.