God-like Koreans and such.

User Rating: 7.5 | Crysis PC
I'll keep this short. Crysis:

Graphics: 10, easy.

Story: 6

Gameplay: 7

Sound: 9

In Crysis you can approach any situation however you want with flexible combat. Now, the combat it very flexible but my issue was (and I know you will disagree) I expected it to be a game where you could run up to a group of bad guys shoot a few, speed away, and turn invisible or something along those lines. But you can't. So if I'm playing a game where I'm wearing a million dollar nanosuit, I wanna feel like I'm wearing one. But your health can be drained very fast and they don't give you enough energy at a time to as much as I wanted (I hate to sound like that, sorry). So I ended up spending most of time sitting in a corner waiting for my energy to come back. Now waiting for energy to come back wasn't the issue, it was how often I ended up doing. My other complaint is that the beginning was a little boring for me. This game is a sandbox style, just not. Although you have a huge world to explore, you probably wont be doing it since there is nothing to do except the objective and some side objectives here and there. And it seems all you do on your way to these objectives is fight the same bad guys a few times and it gets old... until the end. THAT'S when the game picks up speed. Anyway, the story is a generic and bland one with a few of it's own twists. So the bottom line is: Amazing sound and graphics with O.K gameplay that isn't balanced out well enough to make it all fun and the same sci-fi alien story you've heard before. So it's more like a game to show off what your PC can do. Oh, and multiplayer is fun though.