Despite the massive amounts of praise this game gets, it's nothing more than a mediocre, boring FPS with nice graphics.

User Rating: 3.5 | Crysis PC
Let's get this out of the way: I like games that look nice. Crysis certainly delivers on that end, with some truly incredible looking scenery, environments, effects, and the like, even in 2013, provided that your processor can handle said graphics without disintegrating. However, you can't just give an otherwise really generic shooter pretty graphics and expect it to be good, which is where Crysis fails miserably. To start with, the gameplay is just an exercise in repetition, with the only enemies other than really generic soldiers not showing up for most of the game. There are maybe ten weapons that I could tell apart in the total game; two assault rifles, a shotgun, a pistol, a sniper rifle, an RPG, some C4, a portable minigun, a freeze ray and a super powerful RPG that's only used for the final boss. I finished the entire game up until said final boss with a shotgun and an assault rifle without having to use any of my powers in combat. Health regenerates, so getting shot isn't an issue, and all the nanosuit powers are either useless (Speed and Strength) or ridiculously overpowered (Cloak and Armor). The AI is nothing to write home about, with the enemy soldiers going through the standard routines of popping up to shoot at you the popping back down until either you die or they do. The story is also atrocious, culminating in the US Government making an incredibly stupid decision despite being warned by people on the islands that the game takes place on that what they're doing will just mess everything up more than all the giant squid monsters are already messing everything up. However, I don't dislike Crysis for all those reasons (though they are very good reasons to dislike it). I dislike it because it's BORING. Somehow, the game managed to do the impossible and make that one level where you're charging enemy positions in a giant tank, explosions and gunfire surrounding you boring. That's the capital sin of a FPS with this much stuff happening, to be boring! In short, I would not recommend this game to anyone who doesn't like modern military shooters, but if you do, then go ahead and play all you want, because it's not gonna get better than this.