Mysterious, cold and dark. If you can find yourself in those terms, check this one out.

User Rating: 7.5 | Cryostasis PC
First off, before i played this game i read alot of people saying this is similar to bioshock. That's a yes and no, it has a moody setting and it's in first person view. That's where the bioshock comparisons stop.

The story is alot more mysterious then bioshock for starters.
I still don't fully understand it but that is what keeps you playing the game.
Basically you are stuck on a big Russian boat and encounter flashbacks, souls of dead sailors you can save and zombie sailors.

Those zombie's don't like it that your on their boat so they will try
to kill you. Your defence is melee attacks with weapons like:
a chain to wrap around you're hand, a valve, axe etc.

There are also a few firing arms that you find a little later in the game:
a rifle, scoped rifle, flare gun etc.
These come in handy when your enemy is also armed with a gun and
at a distance. For the most part you will be hitting them in the head with melee attacks. (which is most fun off course.)

The game also has a few puzzles but they are fairly simple but i don't see that as a bad thing. For example sometimes you have to shoot a ladder down with your rifle. Most of these you find in those flashbacks of the dead sailors you find and you have to rescue them in those flashbacks by solving the puzzles. Meaning you play as them and you have to prevent their death. (which is mostly pretty obvious.)

The final line is: it's a very moody game with a mysterious story that's being told to you with flashbacks and fairy tales, some puzzles and head bashing along the way. To compare it to another game and this is what i mostly say to everyone who asks about this game: 'If you played and liked the first condemned, you will like this game for sure.'