Using the heat from a light bulb to gain health...come on...

User Rating: 5.5 | Cryostasis PC
This game started out bad, got worse, and then got slightly better.

Graphics - Can you say PS2 level...I was absolutely blown away at the absolute lack of detail. Sure the water and some environments were ok, but character modeling and overall theme was just plain horrible.

Gameplay - Ok, so you cold, very cold, I got it...but walking around slow and cold and that being the big theme = very lame. The fact that a mere light bulb contains enough heat to bring me out of a near frozen coma is just to far off to even be remotely believeable. Sure some of the flash backs were decent enough, but the same monsters over and over just continued to get really really old.

I dont know what some people saw in this game, but it was something that this gamer just couldnt bear. Sorry, a no go for me, and a definate hold off if you dont have major time to waste.