Instantly reminds you of Bioshock, no ifs, ands or buts.

User Rating: 8 | Cryostasis PC
The graphics are nice, eye-candy never hurt anyone unless it performs horribly bad, Crysis comes to mind, this is simmilar to Cryostasis, not because of Crysis graphical challenges it puts on your GPU, but because it is not optimized, when there is too much to render, your framerates will become unstable. C'mon every 1c game is like this! Some games get performance patches, like XIII Century: Death or Glory, but Cryostasis does not? Maybe because the company that developed the game has gone under? Who knows, maybe so, but there maybe another reason, because 1C is a Russian company, the developers know that most people in Russia would not own a computer that, compared to the US standards, so they developed it for single core processors? Its the only explanation why every single 1C game has this problem. /Rant.

The gameplay speaks for itself, its very interesting, the game requires your input for certain parts of the story (Bioshock), and the discovery of how people died, is new, and innovative - though the combat system is sluggish, making it difficult to maneuver.

7/10, it makes you think that if someone took inspiration from Bioshock, at least they didn't waste it!