This is an absolutely boring game. Control and gameplay are slow and leave you feeling bored.

User Rating: 5.5 | Cryostasis PC
Despite having an "all powerful" gaming rig, this game runs very poorly. It is a common complaint amongst many gamers and it is puzzling as to why this game brings powerful gaming rigs to a virtual standstill.

Everything takes place within a breached ship, with very monotonous textures and environments. It is puzzling as to why it runs so poorly.

Also, it is not like there is loads of action going on. The gameplay is similar to that presented by Condemned: Criminal Origins except Condemned is a very good game, and Cryostasis is not.

While playing the game, the pace is very, very slow and the gameplay mechanics leave you feeling numb. Maybe the developers did this on purpose, as it does take place on frozen ship in the arctic. But it is numb in a boring and detrimental way.

I almost fell asleep playing.

I am glad I got it for $5.00 on Steam. At least my financial losses were minimal.