A classic indie horror game

User Rating: 8 | Cry of Fear PC

In the early 2010s, indie games were on the rise and among them was Cry of Fear. Out of all the horror games I've played over the years, Cry of Fear has to be the scariest. The story is about a man named, Simon, who wakes up in an alley after having a strange nightmare. He doesn't know what happened to him, and so he begins his journey home to find answers. And it's a journey you won't soon forget.

I liked the atmosphere of Cry of Fear. It's dark and ominous, and the soundtrack really sets the mood. The enemies are terrifying as well. They're similar to Silent Hill monsters but even scarier. I also really liked how Cry of Fear was made on the 1998 Half-Life engine. It looks like a game from the golden era of survival horror.

Cry of Fear only had a few problems (grammar mistakes and a clunky jumping mechanic), but overall, the game runs fine without any issue on my budget laptop.

If you like survival horror games, then Cry of Fear is for you. It's genuinely scary. And it's also free on Steam, which is awesome. I recommend it.