Agatha Christie type adventure story which was quite ambitious for it's time.

User Rating: 8 | Cruise for a Corpse PC
A boat a million miles from everywhere, a murder and a gumshoe (you) trying to find out whodunit. Familiar-sounding ingredients perhaps a bit too cliche at first but this is quite an entertaining little adventuregame with nice graphics and sounds : especially concerning the fact it is 20 years old. It is fun to explore the ship and speak with the characters. This kind of game is having to speak with all characters over and over again after accomplishing something (the advancing clock show this). New locations open up, doors previously locked may be open on a later moment and characters move around. Mostly the game moves quite fast though and characters and the surrounding areas are interesting.

All in all this is still a nice game to play and certainly still worth a look. The game is playable under Scummvm or on an amiga emulator for the amiga version.