The only reason too go back too the game is because of the snow levels that will get you in the christmas spirit.

User Rating: 6 | Croc: Legend of the Gobbos PS
Croc is one of the first game i played in my life and back in the day it was a pretty ok game.

You are croc a crocodile whos gonna help get back hes gobbo friends (Little hamsters that are crying and whining) You will go through 4 different kind of enviroments. First is lava levels, then snow levels, desert levels and then in the end Graveyard like levels.

The first levels you will go through is easy lava levels. They all have the same plot find some diamants save some gobbos and kill 3 -8 bad guys. and then find the exit and your done. This is basically what your gonna do through the whole game. You also gonna need too defeat some bosses too. That are Hard and easy. The enemy AI is poor they will just run around doing their thing. And then you ask yourself is their any reason in killing those idiots... NO there isnt. Theres actually no reason in doing anything. The game isnt rewarding at all you wont get anything special when you get 100 diamants, all you get is a new life. And when your done with the game well all you see is you and your gobbos partying. Not anything rewarding about that. The only cool thing was the snow levels which really got me in the christmas spirit.

The graphics are pretty ok in its time. But it can also get pretty glitchy and
stuff. The first levels look rather boring and unineresting. Its boring and boring. The saving grace is the snow levels it looks pretty darn good. Nice stuff and somehow the graphics gets a lot better. Its actually looking better by quite a longshot. The desert levels look also pretty ok. But when you get too the last levels man its so glitchy and so ugly your gonna stop playing.
But hey atleast the snow levels look pretty decent.

The sound is medicore all the way the sound track is boring too listen too and in most of the levels your hear the same soundtrack. There are no background music at all. And the enemy sounds strange. I think there are only about 7 soundtracks in the game. End they are all boring but they work. I heard some background sound and that was in of course the snow levels. And its kinda nice in one of the levels because christmas music its on there.

Well, its well worth a try. if you can try too torture yourself through the first 20 lava levels and get too the snow levels. The game is well worth a try. But you will have a very hard time torturing yourself through them because they are boring. The whole game itself takes about a little over two hours too finish maybe three. So the game will finish very quickly but thats nice because its boring anyway. if you want too get the christmas spirit up too full then try torturing yourself and get that christmas spirit by playing thorugh the snow levels.

In the end theres only one reason too play the game and that is what a said above because the game is boring and repetetive the AI sucks big time. and theres no replay value. The sound is medicore and stuff. And bla bla bla. The game is pure torture at times but you can try too ignore it as good as you can. And hey it got some pretty solid graphics for its time.

Sry guys my eyes are hurting like hell because the graphics is terrible by todays standars. Be good be nice in christmas be Gogo.