Graphically Godly. Excellent Plot. Original characters. Unique quests. Clean interface. Right Difficulty. Proper Length.

User Rating: 9.5 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
For its time of creation, FFVIICC is a paragon. The story really takes you in and it accepts any degree of devotion. Whether you're a diehard FF fan or simply a gamer who's stopped to check out one of the PSP's finer works, this game will rock your socks with Buster swords, Sephiroth, Zack, and a whole arsenal of characters, environments, and weapons. There is also a lot of development in these aspects, making change never lacking in this gaming genius. This game is rife with clever humor, wit, and what most games lack: personality. If you wish to step into the shoes of a breathing environment, this game will satisfy and surpass all your wants, guaranteed.

The only flaw is perhaps its user-friendliness. Lots of qualities and abilities require the player themselves to 'master' through trial and error.