Best game since Final Fantasy VII itself!

User Rating: 9.5 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
Most of us haven't had the opportunity to play Before Crisis, since we live in the US or , at least, outside of Japan. So, a lot of the characters are new to me and probably quite a few others. The FMV's in the game remind me of Advent Children-style, and the game-play itself looks like Final Fantasy VIII. A few people have said that the game is too short, but I think that's because they played it straight through without any of the extra missions available. With the introduction of a few new faces, and some background on old favorites, this could be the greatest game in the entire series. At least, that's MY opinion, anyway.

I think one of the greatest features, is the wide range of characters introduced. You find out why Sephiroth is so cool and yet cold at the same time, you begin to understand why Cloud takes on another persons life, and why everything from Final Fantasy VII happens the way it does. Great game!