crayon shin-chan

User Rating: 9 | Crayon Shin-Chan: Arashi o Yobu Cinema-Land no Daibouken! GBA
crayon shin-chan is my favorite anime character.this game is very good but if you never watch the show,you wont know whats going on and its in japanese so you wont understand it.i brought this game for 90 hk dollars(around 15 ca dollar)and i think its worth it.In the game theres 11 levels and all of them is about the crayon shin-chan movies and a few extra 1 of the extra level you have to beat the hell out of your dads boss and one of them you have to face so many cow boys and they each have gun.and the only way to win is to use shin-chans special move--------------the butt poking thing,first you hold your hand like a gun than sneak behind your opponents and poke their butt with your hands(this is very dangerous and nasty,i did this to my best friend once and he cant poo for around two weeks,so little kids reading this shall not do it at home.)in this game,shin-chan can wear 5 custumes(chicken,frog,monkey,bee,and ultra man)but you have to unlock them can also unlock skills for shin-chan's dad,mom,dog,little sister.first you have to beat the ultra man level than you will enter a cinema with 11 rooms and each room is about a movie.theres a new one thats coming out in japan at march 31 2006.but i dont think this crayon shin-chan games gonna come out in english version and it wont be sold in canada or usa.