Well in a way, tag-team racing is good, but in another way, it's a sad way to shame Crash and pals again....

User Rating: 3.5 | Crash Tag Team Racing PSP
Now I know it's been out for awhile, but I haven't gotten my hands on it till now....
Well Crash tag-team racing is sorta like other racing games, but then again, it has no point to it....
Well you start the game trying to escape from Cortex once again, and you wind up in a demented theme park, led by German cyborg Von Clutch, who's power cells have gone missing, as well as his black gem, which powers his systems. So before this you go through a terrible training session with some ghetto chicken. As you play through this, you learn that the game has a terrible camera, as well as terrible controls, may be better for PS2, but I only played the PSP version....
Next you receive a useless riddle from a weird peach fellow who is useless in-game. Once you obtain the first cell, you can go to Adventure Land, and go through a terrible racing session, not that it's hard, it's way to easy but is annoying at times....
You can complete goals to unlock to play as other characters (in racing games only) but Nina. the one who carries a shotgun as her turret, seemed impossible to unlock, you have to get her a outfit that looked like it came from KFC, but I couldn't find it until I unlocked Astro Land (the last park.) In the platforming sections, you have to fight ninja penguins (the game is known for it's child humor) and avoid obstacles like a oil can, which caused no harm to me but made Crash die...
There is the ability to purchase other outfits for Crash and upgrade his vehicle, but there is a cheat code to get a japanese version of Crash, but you can look it up in hints and cheats....
Then you can do non-spectacular tricks at the stunts arena!!!
you can unlock power crystals to unlock doors but you to earn them in races, stunt arenas of the migrain-induced mini-games...
The mini-games will nearly blow your head, like there is a frustrating duck shoot, bowling ally and so on...
The if you manage to sit through and beat this crap, you can go back and watch Crash get his ass kicked in the dull yet cool die-o-rama videos, which can be found exploring the park....

The Good-good replay value, interesting characters

Bad-bad story, most hints are useless, platforming is a pain, awful camera, bad controls