Simple and easy but still enjoyable

User Rating: 7 | Crash Tag Team Racing PS2
- Unlike the previous racing games, you can run without a car in the park
- Clashing is good, but only in single-player mode
- Characters look good
- You could say that the voice acting is good

- The game is sooooo easy that anyone can beat it
- Multiplayer is bad
- Can get beat the game, without racing

I don't need to say more about racing games of Crash Bandicoot. The previous were Crash Team Racing and Crash Nitro Kart. Even though its racing, CTTR is totally different from the other two. First of all it isn't kart racing and there are other stuff.

Like the other installments, the main actors are Crash Bandicoot and Cortex. There are 8 playable characters in all, and 2 of them are new. About the story which is located in a hugh park, whose's manager is a man, maybe not a man, called Von Clutch, offers a challange to team Crash and team Cortex. Team Crash consists of Crash, Coco and Crunch. Team Cortex on the other hand consists of Cortex, Nina and N.Gin. Apart from that the story is uninteresting and not very great. In the game you'll unlock cars and character's costumes. As you may think, you will be controlling Crash as you go around the park, and "racing".

As i said before, you can run in the park, without the use of a car. That's new. Even though the game gives a great first impression, the game isn't that exciting and very easy. And i mean very easy. The game can be beaten by a three year old. Maybe not 3 year old, but 5 year old for sure. The game represents not challange at all. The game can be beaten, the story i mean, can be beaten almost by explore, finding crystals and collecting coins. Even the racing itself is very easy, even on the hardest difficulty.

Although the game is easy, collecting things may take you more than you think. And the actual racing is kinda fun. Thanks to the clashing, which is good. The clashing dosen't work well in the multiplayer mode only. But characters look good at least. Much better than they were in Crash Twinsanity. And not a surprise that the voice acting is good, as expected. Maybe its the voice acting one of the best things in the game.

Crash Tag Team Racing isn't worth buying, maybe a rental and if you liked it, then buy it. But this game will not satisfy hardcore fans of car combat such as Twisted Metal. This game is mostly recommanded for youngster and for people who are not looking for a frustating game. This game has alot to offer, but could have offered much more. Even though that, Crash Tag Team Racing can be a lot of fun.