A sad end to the crash era, if it ain't broke don't fix it

User Rating: 1 | Crash Tag Team Racing PS2
The crash series begins to eliminate what makes crash crash in a terribly easy game. This game is beatable in less than an hour of gameplay with everything unlocked needless to say this game provides absolutely no challenge even to people who have never played any video game. The usual weapons from the previous racing games are eliminated and replaced by sad excuses for weapons and the tracks are just plain pathetic plus this game isn't even four player like the previous crash racing games. I would advise that if your a fan of the crash series, as in the original games that come before this one, than you will definitly should stick with the classics, avoid this extermely and terribly sad excuse of a crash game and remember crash for who he was not what he has now become. We will indeed miss you crash and hope you make a return to the classics.