Crash Tag Team Racing is an OK racing game, but at times, it is way too easy of a game.

User Rating: 7 | Crash Tag Team Racing PS2
The good parts of this game is the racing, the racing gameplay is really good and soild and everything works out well. This game has some resemblance of Mario Kart Double Dash, in this game, you get 2 people in the same vehicle, one person drives and one person throws the items. The controls are really good and they work our extremely well, most of the time, the controls never fail. There are times when you can go to these areas where you can do cool flips and tricks with your vehicle and get points with them and get cool things. The car customization is really cool, you can get parts and you can build up your own car, each part can affect how your vehicle's stats will come out to be. Instead of racing, there are times when you just walk around and things like that, that is how you navigate to different races and things like that. Again, just like any other Crash Bandicoot game, there is humor into this game, there are these things like clip scenes you find on your own and they show Crash getting hurt in some way and it is really funny. The bad parts of this game is the difficulty, this isn't really one of the harder games to stumble upon in the gaming world, the races are really easy, it is pretty hard to get 2nd or below and your opponents don't really know how to use items very well. Some of the tracks aren't really that great, some are really too short and they can maybe take up to 2-3 minutes to complete 3 laps, so some of the races are over really quick. Overall, this is a good game, good racing game, just not a lot of depth into it, but a good game to check out.