crash tag team a game of race and fun!!!!! hope u like my reveiw well it is my first soo cut me some slack.comment plzz.

User Rating: 9 | Crash Tag Team Racing PS2
just like the whole sseries crash is abvously not goin 2 let u down i highly enjoyed this game and yes it does take quite along time 2 finish (if u want 2 collect and buy everything).

let me get into it well crash is called into this amusment park thing about this loss of speacial things in each lvl and well that is ur job 2 win every race in each lvl stage an then u get the speacial thing there is a bout 5 lvl things and bout 3 races in each lvl thing. once u finish all of the things u find that the actual guy @ the start was the bad guy.

to sum it up a must buy and a highly enjoyable game.i suggest u rent it first cause it may not be a game that u would enjoy as much as me or game type u like soo yer.hope u have had fun reading my reveiw.i had fun reveiwing it for you and have fun playing it (thats if u do)