This is one Crash game that has a LOT of crashes and not just in-game.

User Rating: 6.5 | Crash Tag Team Racing PS2
When I first heard of the game and finnaly bought I was pretty darn excited but needless to say dissapointed. The worlds are pretty, and so are the tracks but it dosent have that CB "feel". Yes its fun to clash with Coco, or Cortex and start tearin up your enimies but the gameplay starts to get reppettive and boring after the first hour or less. Overall its kinda-sorta a good Crash Bandicoot game and a solid platformer with lots of new and familiar voice acting. Another good thing about is "color commentary" wich means during races enymys (and you) will say random things, and some of them are quite funny! Also you can unlock and play as at least 8 racers like Crash,Coco,Crunch,Cortex,N-Gin, and others. Another good feature is the fact that aside from the racing is on foot gameplay, and other cool unlockables. I give it a 6.5.