Crash the monster tamer.

User Rating: 6.5 | Crash of the Titans PS2
Fans of Crash Bandicoot will probably not find much to like here. There is very little platforming to be done. However, fans of brawlers will most likely enjoy this game. It starts out with Dr. Cortex hatching another evil scheme to conquer the world. This time he creates these giant monsters called Titans, which is where the game gets the title. As Crash, you make your way through 20 levels filled with these giant monsters. You must jack these monsters by beating them up, which is where the main problem of the game originates. There just isn't anything to do besides jacking these monsters. Platforming has been reduced, while combat is the primary focus this time around. And some levels practically require co-op mode because there are so many monsters. And why are there so few cutscenes? Overall, this is just another slightly solid action game. Rent this game, because you should have more than enough time to complete it.