User Rating: 7.5 | Crash of the Titans PS2
Crash of the titans is a very fun game getting to control enemies or playing with a friend. During the game you can unlock skins or bonus items and mojo which gives you more moves and abilities. This game brings many new enemies like giant spikey animals that can bring spikes out of the ground or the giant skunk that can shoot explosive stink bombs. Playing two player is fun to, you can either work to getter or you can inside ones book bag not helping at all. The normal enemies are weak and annoying, as long you have lots of mojo or a giant monster their are no problems. Some parts are really fast like riding downhill on uka uka`s face or the rolling rhino. Sometimes during the game enemies become really hard to kill like a giant screeching bat that has great blocking power or a radio active monster that is practically invincible as long as it stays in the waste. This is a good game to rent over the weekend.