Not the best in the series,but good platform with lots of combats.

User Rating: 8.5 | Crash of the Titans PS2
Crash is back again this platform where you can hijack titan beasts and control them to beat his enemies.The titan hijacks are pretty good thing,but more platform-like Crash would've been better.Many old characters have returned including the evil scientist Neo Cortex,Neo's niece Nina Cortex,witch masks Aku Aku and Uka Uka,Tiny Tiger,Coco Bandicoot,N.Gin and Crunch Bandicoot.Graphics are good and titans pretty cool.Musics are good,but Twinsanity had better musics.Twinsanity was better than this in every way.
But still,Crash Of The Titans is Crash Bandicoot,not a stupid platform crap.
And for the first time in Crash-series,Titans has a multiplayer mode.You can play the game through with your friend.The game is even better with a friend.
+ Good graphics
+ Old characters
+ Fair musics

- Too much combat
- Too traditional story

Crash Of The Titans is a good platform game,but not best in the series.
But if you like Crash-games like me,you should buy this.