User Rating: 10 | Crash Bandicoot (Platinum) PS
I'm semi serious about this. This game is tough. It's an excellent platformer, one of the all time best for that matter, but some of the levels are rage inducing.

Crash is the perfect mascot/icon for Sony and they let him go. At the time when Sony needed one, Crash was there and sold systems. He was the face of Playstation and it's baffling why they didn't hang on to him. Just ask Nintendo or Sega what the advantages of a mascot are. Nintendo is dead without Mario and after many failed attempts, Sega is still trying to resurrect Sonic. Crash was perfect for Sony. He's funny, has attitude, likable and recognizable and the games we're the first, really good 3D platformers for the next generation. He also provided a stable franchise for the younger audience, which every company knows they want and need. What happened here? Man, I remember the commercials when a guy in a Crash outfit went to Nintendo headquarters and stood outside with a bullhorn and was taunting Mario, daring him to come out. Classic. That was Crash. Sony really dropped the ball here.

Crash has never been the same since Naughty Dog let him get away. Other developers have made some very uninspired sequels with him, changing his looks, alliances and even voice. I know you can't do the same thing forever but none have come close to the success of Naughty Dog, when they held the reins of this franchise. Today, Crash sits in a woeful state, being made to participate in very un-Crash-like games.

This game started it all though. This changed the platformer forever. While Mario and Sonic we're still going left to right in their side scrolling adventures, Crash took us into his world with glorious 3D. It said something about the future of games and consoles at the same time and it was only on Playstation. Even today, this is a very challenging platformer. Amidst the Ratchet's, Jak's, Sly's and 3D Mario's and Sonic's, the original Crash is about as tough as there is. But it's also compelling enough to want to keep going. You never don't know how your going to get through the level (they're linear afterall), it's getting the right timing and touch to do what needs to be done. There are some truly insane levels here that will test all your patience and nerve. But you'll just want to keep trying, at least till you get to your next save point so you know you don't have to do the level again that you just did. Fortunately, there's plenty of fruit and extra lives, but your gonna need them all.

The audio, video, and play mechanics in the original Crash trilogy are spot on. These games still look, sound and play great today. They're a very few of the only original PSone games I can bare to look at, let alone play anymore. The look is perfect with bright colors and varied enviornments and the music and sounds are catchy and perfect for each stage. These games have aged extremely well and are a real tribute to the developers at Naughty Dog.

There are a couple of downsides though. These games are really tough, maybe too tough for the average gamer or especially child. Some of this is intentional design and some I feel maybe the fact that 3D platforming was in it's infancy at this time. Some of the angles on jumps, just seem a little off. The perspective can make it really tricky. Another problem is that the save points can be a little far between. Not the check points during the levels, they are plentiful and life saving, but the save points. Sometimes, I just wanted to finish a level I'd been on for a while, save and quit. But then I'd find that I had to go through another whole level and a half, just to get the bonus round/save point. And even the bonus round was tricky sometimes as it's set up as a mini level requiring you to get from one side to the other but if you fell along the way, you'd have to restart the level to get back to it. Again, more challenge and patience testing. My final complaint is that sometimes you'd have a nice number of lives you've accumulated from previous levels, say 20 or so, you save, come back and you only start with 4!!! I want my lives, I earned them!!! On a final note, I downloaded Crash on my PS3 but cant save as it wont, even though PS2 games do, so I have to use passwords. It's a little annoying but if they didn't provide them, then I'd really never be able to save.

For anyone new to Crash, looking to try it out, don't let any of this put you off. These (the first 3) are fantastic games overall. They're among the tip top in the platforming genre and are some of the most challenging but rewarding at the same time. Crash is truly a gaming icon and I hope some way, somehow, that his original developers can one day give him and us another grand adventure worthy of the name Crash Bandicoot.