Play this game, and you'll be off a wild ride! No matter how old the game gets. However, there are some flaws.

User Rating: 8 | Crash Bandicoot (Platinum) PS
Around this age, Crash Bandicoot seems nothing more than a humble game under a rusty cover. However, no matter how out of date, this game is a classic, and yet very original.

Many people compare this game to Mario, but there is a big difference. In Crash Bandicoot, you feel much more engaged and have a lot of fun, as action comes non-stop. Your adrenaline will be pumping as you keep jumping on a roll for 2 minutes--Straight.

Anyway, this platformer is a must-have for anyone, and you'll be on an adventure for several days to several weeks, and for the low cost now, it's not too bad. Through the whole game, you'll be in lush, yet cartoony jungles, or ruins of ancient cities, or robotech factories, but either way, you'll be in for a wild ride. In this game, jumping is everything, and you'll stick with it for the whole game.

The most significant feature is that this amazing platformer provides action continuously, and you can forget about resting for even 6 seconds after you dodged that last boulder. You will never be bored, (though ocassionally frustrated) and have a great experience.

There are major flaws, like the saving system, where you can only save on bonus levels, which you have to "find" by collecting three tanya tokans every 2-4 levels, which can be frustrating if you have to be out of the house right after finishing a level.

However, this shouldn't chuck away at your fun experience, and hey, for a PS1 1990's game, it's pretty good!