A classic game. The only problem was the difficulty.

User Rating: 9.5 | Crash Bandicoot (Platinum) PS
I love Crash Bandicoot 1, and although this wasn't the first Crash game I played, it's still a classic. The graphics are fantastic for its time, the levels are generally fun to play, and you'll find yourself coming back to play it. It's just such a fun game.

However, the only thing that stops this being perfect is the difficulty. To get a gem, you must break every box without dying. Hard much? It's a very, very hard thing to do to get 100%, and in fact the furthest I got was near the beginning of Island 3, with only 2 gems for both boulder levels!

Apart from that, this is well worth playing, and I personally think it kicks the crud out of Super Mario, but I don't want to compare them. But one thing I can compare is how varied each level is. The levels in Crash Bandicoot are very varied.

One minute you're running across a loose bridge, then your running through laboratory's, fighting bosses in epic battles, riding a hog, and so much more. If this doesn't sound exciting, then I have no idea what could please you. This instant classic is an epic win. Plus, catchy music!!


If you find it cheap online, don't hesitate to buy it.