Crash Bandicoot is a must-have platformer for those who have a Playstation or a Playstation 2.

User Rating: 9 | Crash Bandicoot (Platinum) PS
Crash Bandicoot. The first to many great platformers to grace the Playstation, and the first of many great creations by Naughty Dog. This is possibly their most popular Crash Bandicoot game that they made. If you're a platformer fan and are looking for a good old-fashioned platformer, then this is the game for you.

Gameplay, 9. The gameplay is amazing despite the fact that this was one of the first 3D platformers out on home consoles. What you have to do is you get through the level(which are usually not that long), brake any boxes on the way. These boxes will either contain wumpa fruit, which if you get a 100 of you will get an extra life. You can also get lives from certain boxes. There are also 3 different type of bonus mugs(that's what I think they're called) you can get in boxes: Tawna, Dr.Brio and Dr. Cortex, and in order to go to those bonuses you have to get all 3 mugs in that level. The Tawna bonus round appears in most of the levels and are much easier to complete than the Dr.Brio and Dr. Cortex bonus rounds. That is probably because in order to save you have to complete the Tawna bonus rounds in order save the game! Which is kinda illogical and a little stupid way to save since the Tawna mugs don't reappear wheather or not you beat the bonus and when you want to stop playing you may have to complete a few levels before you get a chance to save, and when you turn the game off, for some reason you start with just 4 lives again, but lives aren't very hard to get so this isn't as bad as it sounds. The Dr. Brio bonus rounds are harder than the Tawna ones but have 3 or 4 lives at the end of them and unlike the other two kinds of bonuses they will reappear after you go to them and complete the level. The Dr. Cortex bonus rounds are harder than the Tawna and Dr.Brio bonus rounds, they don't reappear after you beat them, but will stay if you die on them, so if you lose the first time on these bonus rounds you can go to them again untill you beat them, and there is also only two of them in the entire game, it is also necessary to beat the Cortex bonus rounds if you want to complete the game 100%, because when you beat them you get a key which allows to go to a hidden level which are pretty hard.
After you complete a level if you did not die after getting to a Checkpoint the game will tell you how many boxes you missed in that level. If you happened to have broken all of the boxes in that level you will be rewarded a gem. These gems are what you need to complete the game 100%.
The game usually plays really good. Only a few levels feel cheap(the Boulder levels are some of the few)and most of the levels are well designed and don't feel impossible.

Graphics,10. Remember, this game came out in 1996 and was in development before that so you can't have too high of expectations for this game's graphics. So for this section I am going to pretend it is 1996.
The graphics are flawless. The colors match their environments and even the industrial levels are nice to look at. Every character is well designed and don't look like crap.

Sound,9. The sound completley matches with their environments. The ruins level's music actually sounds like the kind of music you would expect for a level like that. The temple level's music is creepy like the temples themselves. The jungle music is what you'd expect it to be.
There isn't much voice acting in the game. Only Dr.Cortex and Dr.Brio actually say anything. Crash Bandicoot and all the bosses only make little yelps and laughs.

Value,7. The game isn't that long. The levels are pretty short, even the hard levels aren't that long. Even though the levels are short there is still 32 of them(counting the boss fights), Once you manage to complete all 32 of them, there is still the 26 gems you have to find and some of them are pretty hard to get(the level Sunset Vista comes to mind). After you complete the game 100% there is really nothing else to do.

Difficulty,Hard. Since I have beaten the game dozens of times, the game is pretty easy for me now, but if you are a first timer on this game then expect a challenge. There are several levels you will likely get stuck on for a while and if you think they're hard just to complete, then try completing them while getting all of the boxes and not dieing once after you hit a Checkpoint.

Tilt,10. This is one of the first games I ever played and it was the first game I ever played on the Playstation. It is one of my most beloved games of all time.