Yesterday, we heard Crash Bandicoot 2. Today, we hear the echoes of a Hall of Famer.

User Rating: 10 | Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex no Gyakushuu! (PlayStation the Best for Family) PS
Crash Bandicoot 2 is the second game to come out from Naughty Dog for the PS. Many of its predecessor's faults had been tweaked to provide one of the longest lasting games on the PS, to continue its reign on the PS2.

Graphics, at the time, were considered to be excellent if 3D and cell shading was available. That is exactly what this game took advantage of, and the idea of playing with an exotic jeans-wearing ball of fur like crash only sweetened the deal. Also, do not forget that each level or world Crash enters has its own aura in localizing the player in environments suitable to the level. Example: the jungle area is followed by a chase involving Crash and a giant bear. Cortex's appearance already looks funny, and his devious behaviour is an extra plus to match his appearance. Blowing up because of nitroglycerin is amusing. =P

The gist of the game is simple, yet that is what makes it so entertaining; get the crystals, beat Cortex to a pulp. Also, if the player thinks he's up to it, trying for Gems and Relics is also an option. This ensures repetition of levels, and more fun as you get to repeat heart-racing parts and boss battles. As they say, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Content, Style, and Mechanics
The controls of the game were very well chosen and crafted to suit the joystick available at the time. X= Jump O= spin Triangle= taunt. Square= mid-air belly slam =P Strafes were not necessary due to the relatively small map sizes and narrow enviromental spaces that made one imagine of walking through a hall. Enemies proved to be a good challenge, and the obstacles were many and varied.

Overall Equation:

Graphics: 9.6/10
Storyline: 8.6/10
Content, Style, and Mechanics: 18/20 x 4 + 20
Gameplay: 40/47
Duration: just right.
Playability rate: 2 times a year