Great game but it needs a little more meat

User Rating: 8.5 | Riot Act X360
I haven't played the game much but I'll review from the little experience I have.

It is great fun being able to jump 60 feet into the air and play smear the queer with gangsters and trucks. Your argent is able to kick people into the next city and chuck grenades and mines at gangsters. You also have the ability to scale buildings and run at an amazing speed. Crackdown offers a no-missions system is a great idea of having to tear down the hierarchy of the gang and not just it's leader like most games. It is something new but offers no way to relate to the character and have a story. The supply point is a good idea so that you almost never have run out of ammo. The respawn system is a fresh new idea that avoids the frustrations of a standard system.

Some of the downsides are that there is isn't enough leaders to search out and destroy and nothing else to do besides find the orbs, which by the way is painstaking and tedious to find them all. Other than the no mission system Crackdown is just a run of the mill first person shooter with some super powers thrown into the mix. The driving is terrible to be honest before you level up you skills and aiming has the same problem but once you level up it's great. Who are you kidding?! Who drives when you can run across skyscrapers?!

Some new DLC came out that fixes some of the problems and adds some new content to enjoy in crackdown. I haven't played the co-op but it looks promising.

The bottom line is that Crackdown is a solid game for blowing off some steam for a casual gamer or hardcore. It won't last a hardcore gamer as long and for people who like to do more than kill, kill, kill in their games will be disappointed but to be fair at the time of this review it is only $14.99 how can you pass that up? I say buy it.