Crackdown... a masterpiece!

User Rating: 9.5 | Riot Act X360
Crackdown is a rare breed of game. The kind of game that comes only once in a while. First off, the graphics are amazing. The cell shaded look make it look like a comic book, yet at the same time, delivering some truly stunning visuals. The game is a constant shooting fest, and it really earns its M rating. The storyline could've been better, but it holds its own. There is a large arsenal of weapons, from HMG's, to Heat seeking rocket launchers and more. The real shining point of this game is your superhuman abilities. You are genetically enhanced, to the point where throwing a bus is as easy as breathing. You can jump roughly 40 feet in the air, at full skills, and you will find yourself using the rooftops to get around. This game has open world elements, and has a really massive world, as you can spend hours just looking around the islands. If you have surround sound, this is the game for you. Some of the best looking, sounding and largest explosions in gaming occur in crackdown. This game is full of originality and spark. Now I have heard some really stupid people point out " people can't really jump that high". Seriously? Were you dropped on your head as a child? This game allows you to let your imagination go wild. This game is about having FUN. The reason video games were made in the first place. This game is perfect for those who have played the Ratchet and Clank games, as the sheer spark provides endless hours of fun. And it has some pretty easy achievements too, if that is your kind of thing.