Crackdown is fun, it has great graphics, and AWESOME GAMEPLAY! Thats what you want from a game. there isnt really a stor

User Rating: 9.1 | Riot Act X360
The one thing that brings people down is the basic shallow missions. Kill Leaders, take territory, all that. But thats pretty much what is in other games except it has a story behind it. I do wish crackdown put a litttllllee more effot into the missions, and story line but leveling up and driving a car with a rocket launcher and machine gun on it make up for it. You start off as a pretty.. umm... Athletic character, but when you level up your basically a freakin super hero. When you kick people they will be out of your sight in no time, same with kicking cars. You really cant complain about the Value since it comes with Halo3 multiplayer beta, and the sound is just, well it works lets say. The music tracks are decent but nothing special.
Cel shaded, and great texture at the same time :O
Decent, what youd expect
The highlight of the game! Pure fun!
Your an agent that shoots stuff.
AWESOME!!! shooting your friends tires out have never been so fun! You can expierement alot with this too. Like throwing cars at each other, seeing whos stronger, racing with whos agility is better, and pretty much anything you want.
Though its short its nice to get a taste of Halo 3 Beta!
Plus you can level up and expierement and Multiplayer never ever gets boring!