Pretty average, but over-hyped game...

User Rating: 5.5 | Half-Life: Counter-Strike PC
I first played Counter-Strike in 2000 or 2001 and at that time it was a great shooter. Actually I played ONLY two games back then, either on internet cafe's or on my personal computer: Unreal Tournament and Counter Strike. I just loved sniping or knifing through retarded 9 or 10 y.o. kids (I was a kid myself though, but not retarded). But after a year or so, I just gave up, it was getting boring, even if I would lose or win, even after a ton of mods so I picked-up other games, from other genres or other shooters. Then 2 or 3 years ago, some of my classmates picked up Counter-Strike 1.6 and just started playing, so I kinda got into the game again, just for the sake of the old times. But here comes the bad part: the game failed me miserably. I figured that the game lost it's feeling, so I just thrown it away, again. Don't get me wrong, I like classic video games, sometimes I like them better than all the new games available, but for me Counter-Strike is dead and buried!