A tactical multiplayer action first-person shooter that is fun if you like that sort of thing.

User Rating: 8.5 | Half-Life: Counter-Strike PC
In all honesty, I never did like Counter-Strike, but I will be as fair as I can be with this review.

The game itself is a multiplayer game (mod for Half-Life) that is quite possibly one of the best mods of its time. You have two teams, and you have (generally) urban environment in which you must try to elimate all of the opposing team with realistic weapons. You don't spawn until one team is completely destroyed, in which case a new match begins (like Rogue Spear). Sometimes you will have objectives, where the Terrorists have to plan a bomb or keep hostages safe while the Counter-Terrorists have to disarm the bomb or rescue the hostages, but the goal is essentially the same: destroy the other team. The boatload of maps that are included are wonderfully crafted and thanks to the large number of maps, there is quite a bit of variety there as well. This sounds basic, but there is a twist that allows players to obtain better equipment based on their skills: money.

How it works is the more bullets of yours that make contact with the enemy, the more money you make. This is a miniscule amount though, and the best way to make money is to actually make kills and survive rounds. With this money, you can purchase, grenades, advanced weapons, body armor and other goodies to help you better overwhelm the enemy, which can only be purchased when you are at your spawn point. This means that the more skilled you are, the more rewarded you will be. The one problem with this, is that oftentimes the less skilled won't have much of a chance to get better, since they will almost always be overwhelmed and will never have the money to play with the higher level weapons. In time though, players tend to get better anyway.

The one other issue I had was that the hit-detection system seemed to be a little off, where sometimes I would shoot a person in the leg and they would die, or I would shoot a person in the head and they would have nearly full health. This doesn't happen nearly as often as complainers claim, but it is often enough to notice.

The game itself looks fine, making good use of the Half-Life engine to create unique urban maps that are not exceptional, but get the job done.

The sounds are as wonderful as ever though, with each gun sounding as powerful as it should.

In the end, this game is for those of you that enjoy tactical team-based multiplayer. For those of you who do not like that, and prefer fast paced deathmatch or team-based games, then I'd suggest you stick with Half-Life Deathmatch and Team Fortress Classic. Still, this is a rare example of how a mod can take advantage of a game and make it better. CS may not be for everybody, but for those who are interested, you will likely not be dissapointed. Enjoy.

Graphics: 8/10
Sound: 9/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Value: 9/10

OVERALL: 8.5/10