It is what it is great multiplayer, weak single player, but it is worth a buy for 4 dollars used.......

User Rating: 8 | Counter Strike XBOX
look i know this game is old and it plays better on the PC but it is still a good multiplayer based game... The game itself is not that good single player wise vs alot of bots and the graphics have shown their age.... but if you have not played this game on the pc and want it it is worth to pick it up for 4 dollars used.... about 20-100 people still play this on xbox live and it is 360 compatible... the game may be old, but it is a classic.... I had a blast playing this game and the terrorist and counter terrorist counterparts make the game great... All in all play this game only for the multiplayer because the single player is awful and a waste of time.... lata...lata.....JTB all day.... .. . . .. play this game for cheap and it will make your game and it has one of the best multiplayer experinces on the pc...