Most addicting xbox game ever made, extremely fun offline and online! Every gamer should buy this game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Counter Strike XBOX
The good:
.Intensely competetive online and offline.
.Bots act just like real people, sometimes.
.Very attractive visuals.
.Probably the most addicting game out ever on xbox, if any other games are going to try and beat this one they'll be up for a challenge.
The Bad:
.Some guns are so powerful, when people use them just to get rank up its just boring (Automatic Shotgun).
.Sometimes your opponent just doesn't die.
.No storyline, although its an xbox live and bot match game.

Loads of people say this game is only good for xbox live, there wrong.
My brother has an xbox360 with xbox live and i sometimes play online with it, its very fun and addicting to play, its just on my xbox i haven't got xbox live so once upon a time i decided to play it. I was on single player and i realised...
Ubisofts counterstrike is amazing OFFLINE!
Every xbox gamer should buy this
Unfortunately the bots are stupid sometimes but still. Most glitches are online but hey.
I really do reccomend you buy this game. Its by-far the best xbox shooter with no campaign ever to be made.
Im not sure what difficulty to rate this game as. It can be VERY HARD it depends if your on difficulty setting expert or your playing online to an expert it doesn't matter its just if your on beginner difficulty setting it really is easy, thats why im putting it as JUST RIGHT.
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