The most played Multiplayer Game of all Time.

User Rating: 8 | Half-Life: Counter-Strike PC
This Game somehow proves that Half-Life was not an "accident", it comes to consolidate the absolute FPS King status of Half-Life, along with other great Mods like Oposing Force, Team Fortress, They Hunger etc it's just unbealiveable how many Half-Life mods are very succesfull.
Counter-Strike is a very powerfull "drug".Once you get to play it it sucks you in & unfortunatelly you can't get out...similar with WOW. By the way,i think that Counter-Strike is even more played than WOW but ultimately i think that both games are crap,have no value.I'm rating Counter-Strike as beeing great for the fact that it's the most played & that is very addictive-that's all.The game itself is a futile exercise in killing,you become some sort of a robot programmed to execute the same things over & over again without even realizing or questioning yourself-what am i doing?No,this question never,there are 2 teams:Counter-Terrorists & Terrorists.The Terrorists have the hostages.There are rounds-infinite rounds or time-limited rounds,a nr of limited rounds,depends on the guy who made the most of the casses,nobody even cares anymore about no bombs or hostages they just play to kill one each other.The CT to win the round can save the hostages,take them to their base.The T. can plant the Bomb & if the CT don't defuse it in time it will blow the T will win the round.There are 3 minutes alocated for each round & when a round begins you can buy weapons only in the area of your base within 20 seconds-if you exceed this time limit you cannot purchase anything untill the round ends.You have weapons taken from the real life-the game itself wants to be realistic & it succeds in this way.My fav part of the game is when i buy 2 Flasbangs,1 Smoke Grenade & 1 Explosive Grenade(you can't buy more than this, it's the limit)...& i throw them consecutively in one direction,into a tunnel for example & then i fire my Rambo like Machine-Gun aka 5.1's sooo much fun:) In this game you die very fast from one single shot.Sometimes you ask yourself how the hell the opponent managed to kill you in a couple of seconds after you just purchased the weapon the hell did he shot me man?I barely got in the tunnel or behind the wall & he already nailed me!...very frustrating game if you're not good or very good at it.
This Half-Life mod has 1 decade of existance & it shows no sign of ageing for the gamers around the world,then can't quit playing this mad game even if the graphics are very dated & it has absolutely no music & no moral value & nothing...CS is a national sport in a lot of countries in this world.It's as popular as Mario for Christ Sake!I'm so glad i'm done for good with it,it's over,kaput for me!Nowadays it's full of cheats & very small maps like Ice where you just pick-up weapons from the floor & shoot & get through walls,not fair at all! I do miss the days when i played the "fair" CS on legendary maps like Assault or Militia or De_Aztec etc i've realised that this game is pointles.My advice for you is to stay out from it,don't let yourself being corupted-it destroys your social life,you become a slave of wasting time.
& still,my other side says that you should play this game,it's an endles fun experience,you create yourself a cybernetic social life that you always want to be immersed in.Even i don't know what to say,it's confusing...i wish i would have never played it-help!help!somebody help me...!