OK Counter Strike, so you had me fixed with the cool gameplay and the cool old school, but you havent got the controls!

User Rating: 7.5 | Counter-Strike: Source PC
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I always think Steam..
When Steam came out on the Mac, i rushed out to buy Counter Strike, Thinking this could be so totally awesome. But really it isn't that great, I use a laptop, which means i have very little space to actually play the game..

Counter Strike requires you to play on a mouse, which means i have to reach over the little touch pad to shoot and move. This makes the game lack, also the amount of servers (If you dont have anyone to play with) really lacks too.. So, I jump into a random server and get kicked STRAIGHT OUT. Why's that?, Because the people are playing Clan Matchs etc and the dont want an outsider in their server. So i search some more for other servers and still get kicked out.. I just cant play this game for more than about 30 seconds, it just doesn't have the enjoyment. Yea, Sure it has the coolness and the old-school type gameplay, but really its a game you have to play in a Gaming Place, with lots of people...