CS:GO seems to have polarized Gamingdom! I think I see why one side (Haters of course!) seems to be shouting the loudest

User Rating: 9 | Counter-Strike: Global Offensive PC
If you have done any research into what gamers think of the latest Counter Strike release, you are most likely going to come away with the impression that the game is garbage. This would be a good time for me to remind you that %99 of the time, it is in fact the pissed off, unsatisfied gamer who will take the time to troll forums, write hateful posts on gaming sites, or even tweet wrathful reviews on Twitter for all of us in Gamingdom to see. The rest of us are too hell bent on on dominating the competition in any or all of the awesome 4 modes of play that the new version offers. I can be included in this latter group.

Counter Strike : Global Offensive is different. It is noticeably different from second you begin your first match. It is noticeably different from the second you use the match making system to find a game. Hell, it is different from the moment the game flashes back from black screen to the light blue first screens before the title. What is it different FROM you may be asking? It is different from the previous version of course, every one of them without exception.

To some in the gaming community, this information evidently would elicit an audible "GASP" of surprise followed by a couple "HURRRR HURRRRS!" of contempt for anyone from Valve to individual gamers who express utter joy when describing their new experiences with the new game. Yes, Global Offensive is not the same game as the version some seem to hold as the greatest game of all time with the greatest "Physics" of all time.

I remember playing that game too. I loved it as much as anyone and my memories of playing it are cherished. This does NOT mean I want to play that game again just with a different title as some seem to want to do. If the cries of derision were taken literally, and Valve re released the beloved "CS 1.6" tomorrow while also taking away the new version, I would venture to guess that the pissed off droves that would include myself would GREATLY outnumber the haters that now currently inhabit gaming websites everywhere.

Why do I believe that Global Offensive is a better game than any of its previous incantations? I will make it simple for you. I have more FUN playing this game than I would if I booted up the old version right now. That's it lads. I consider it an improvement that the graphics have been updated yet keep that slightly stylized look that we all know and love. The sound effects are great. with the sound of all the guns firing has real "weight " to it, always leaving me satisfied when i score a kill. Some of the famous sound effects, most noticeably the radio calls, have been retained much to my enjoyment and most l;likely yours as well.The movement of my character is fluid and the hit detection, though not perfect , has me seemingly scoring head shots at more regular intervals than the previous CS's. This could be for several reasons though I do not know which is the real culprit. I may have improved in my FPS accuracy since my earlier days playing CS or it may be that the controls are tighter though it is most likely a combination of both. If you spray and pray in this game, you will be punished severely by the person you are shooting at most likely. This game rewards accuracy and burst fire which is refreshing as always when put up against other contemporary FPS. There are new maps of course,(My favorite is "Lake" in the new Demolition mode) and I have enjoyed them all immensely. I am less than skilled at a few at this moment in time, especially the "factory" type map in Demolition mode but that's what practice is for!

Overall, this is an "overhaul" and not a true sequel really. However, if the haters would calm down and actually give this version a chance they would see that this "update" actually serves both the hardcore player AND the casual player in providing a great gaming experience for only $15 dollars no less. There will surely be many updates (the first came one day after the release on Steam actually)in the future so the mechanics will be fine tuned to satisfy the hardcore crowd potentially. In my opinion, this game is absolutely worth your time and small investment. I recommend you see for yourself if this game can provide you with the kind of skill based, legitimately competitive FPS gaming experience yo are looking for. As I stated right in the beginning, there would be more positive feedback about this game if only it weren't so freaking addictive!