Best left for the kiddies

User Rating: 4.5 | Coraline DS
Cute visually, but that's about it. I had a part where I got stuck, only because apparently you need to talk to everyone 3x ( they always said the same thing, so who knew?), other that that, short and too simple. Couple that with items to collect that have no use whatsoever to a dress up option you should avoid like the plague unless you are 9yrs old, definitely pass on this one. I am still trying to figure out the purpose for having the ability to recognize and pull up what appear to be weeds in the grass, and especially one minigame where you are supposed to outrun a grasshopper without stumbling..the game does not let you lose, because if you stumble the grasshopper stops and waits for you to get up! The main reason I bought this was that nothing is currently out for the genre I am into- but I should've revisited some old classics instead....Super Mario DS, here I come!