Players who are looking for mercy in a video game, should look elsewhere! Experts recommended!

User Rating: 9 | Contra III: The Alien Wars SNES

It's no secret that the "Contra" franchise caters to the hard-core video game player, and "Contra III" delivers some incredible 1992 graphics, sound, music, and hard-core challenge, EVEN on the Easy difficulty level, which is STILL anything BUT easy! In terms of difficulty, this game is EASIER than "Contra 4" and the original "Contra", but not as easy as "Super C". One nice feature this game has that "Contra" and "Super C" didn't, is the ability to hold two different weapons. So if you die in a stage (which will happen VERY often when you're just starting off), you will lose ONE of your weapons, but you can SWITCH to the other one you have stored! So if you have a weapon that you don't want to lose, you should think about the situation you're in, when it comes to enemies and bosses. And if you think you could die, switch to the weapon you don't MIND losing, and you will STILL have the weapon you really want! The easiest way to beat this game is not just strategy, it's also by looking at, and recognizing certain attack patterns that enemies and bosses have! Most enemies and bosses will come at you, and attack you in a certain pattern. By recognizing those patterns, you can adjust your attack strategies, so that you can attack the bosses at every given opportunity, and STILL minimize the damage you take from bosses and enemies! The really neat thing about this game, is that you can either compete WITH, or AGAINST, a friend in this challenging game! And since this game is now available on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System Classic Edition Console, there has never been a better opportunity to try your skill against the challenge that IS "Contra III: the Alien Wars"! Enough said, true believers!