Ahhhhhh....another Contra game.And another broken game controller.

User Rating: 9 | Contra Spirits SNES
When you first start this game,you'll first notice that instead of starting you out with a crappy gun,they start you out with a machine gun(the machine gun is your standard weapon.Every time you die,you still have the machine gun)!Awesome,right?!Now,your main question probably is,is this game tough to play?Just bet $100 it is.Even on the Easy mode(you can change your difficulty in the Options menu),there's more crap flying around than an exploding porta-potty!There is a pattern to this game,and that's the difficulty goes up each time.Watch.Contra:Hard,Super C:Even Harder,Contra 3:HARDER THAN ANY GAME EVER INVENTED!!!You really wonder if you're goal is to actually beat the game.Once you beat the game on Easy,you won't get an ending.They say that you have to go up to Normal mode,except they don't cut to the chase.They talk for a little and blah blah.But really,I just spent an hour on this game,and all you can tell me is to go and beat it again?Basicly they're saying,''You really suck at this game.Anybody can beat Easy.Go up on Hard or you're just a wussy,".Although this game can be harder then a two week old piece of crap,it still extremely fun.If you plan on getting far in this game,then either have a second player,use a turbo controller,or cheat.You'd really hope that they'd put the 30 lives cheat or something better in this game,but they DIDN'T!!!!Oh well,just hope you can make it to the later levels because if you don't,then you're really missing out.I mean,you can ride motorcycles,hang onto a missle,andclimb up walls like a regular frieken' Spiderman.This game is really great.Just remember to say "Hell,yeah!" when you play.