Shows the Xbox still has enough to make a great looking game...

User Rating: 8.5 | Conker: Live & Reloaded XBOX
Conker Live and Reloaded is priity much a remake of the Original Conker with great looking graphics... It also sticks on a Nice Multiplayer system that can keep you playing long after you have beaten the Original...

The Multiplayer comes along with a Cool Rank system and lots of little things to unlock... although some of the unlockables make it really unbalanced its still are really cool feature that adds a lot in the end...

The games ranking system is also a nice feature that is fun, but you seem to get up to fast defeating the purpuse of a Ranking system... But many of the Unlockable features will keep you playing even after you have beaten the game and got to the top rank...

Finaly it features a lot of very fun game types that Seem to add a lot more to the game then any of the features in Halo 2...

But, This game also has a few problems... Some of the Character classes can be very over powered and can end up being over used by many people...

In the end its a very fun game once you put some time into it and figure out how to do everything, but it can be a bit annoying to come into the whole thing late and run into all the people with all the unlockables...