"Conker makes a great Hero!!!"

User Rating: 9.4 | Conker: Live & Reloaded XBOX
When I first heard that they were remaking Conker, I had no choice but to get the game. Although the game didn't change from the original N64 Conker, it still had better graphics and better gameplay. Your role in this game is to save Conker's girfriend who was kidnapped while you were out getting drunk and coming back home. The use of the weapons was quite cool, but I highly doubt that a bat can destroy most enemies in a game none other than Conker.

The most amazing part of this game was being drafted into the military to fight the teddyz, and you got a gun with unlimited ammo what more could you ask for. Then from the real story lead to the multi player aspect of the game which was awsome. I loved using the sword and cutting people in half like butter.

For any laid back X-box players, Conker would be a great pick up for yourself.