Beautiful graphics, hilarious game, camera angles killed me!

User Rating: 9 | Conker: Live & Reloaded XBOX
I don't think it's fair that remakes usually get a bad grade because... they are a remake, that is the whole point of it being a remake in the first place, this game didn't deserve the 8.3 score it deserved the same 9.3 score that the version for the N64 got but even better because the graphics were updated so beautifully. That being said, this is my review starting with the pros first and then the cons.
The graphics are beautiful! Rare/Microsoft studios did a fantastic job, they are almost as good as 360 graphics for a cartoon game, I was very impressed. The storyline was hilarious, it was nice to play a good old fashioned potty mouth adventure game. You play Conker who gets lost on his way home drunk from a bar and you end up in all sorts of situations trying to get back home. The game scenarios never got old, you would end up in a sunny area helping bees, to a cavern full of poo, to a vampires castle, and then to fighting war as a soldier, very unique gameplay indeed. Now on to the cons. The MAIN con I had was the camera angles, ugh! Good old N64 and their camera angles, I don't know why Microsoft didn't fix this problem, it made the game 50% harder to play then it should have been, I really enjoyed the story though so I pushed myself to get through the pesky problem. The only other thing that bothered me was Microsoft putting in some censorship compared to the original N64. I thought that the world got more accepting of things that used to be considered offensive as time went on, and now it's just game cursing and violence that has gone backwards?! I don't get why it was okay a decade ago with the original but 5 or 6 years later they were worried about putting some of the cursing in there and cut it out. Some bad stuff was kept in though, but it just bothers me that I don't have the choice as an adult to buy a game with curses if I want to, it says on the front of the box this game is not for kids, so I don't get why they would cut them out because they think it won't sell well with kids and they won't make as much money on the game it's a big contradiction........ well anyway enough with that rant back to the review.
I'm very glad I bought this game, I had many laughs and memorable phrases I'll always remember with this game not to forget about the cries from the horrible camera angles and I'll always remember it as one of my favorites. I didn't play the war multi player so I can't rate that. But if you want a funny adventure game this is definitely one to get.